Quality Tests Performed
Sieve Analysis Test
- Silt Test ( Fine material below 75 mic)
- DLBD & DRBD Test
- Aggregate Impact Value Test
- Aggregate Crushing Value Test
- Flakiness Index & Elongation Index Test
- Water Absorption Test
- Specific Gravity Test
Call: 1800 103 1789
Email: sales@robo.co.in
The Sieve Analysis tests are conducted on Robo Sand TM, Robo Aggregates 20mm and 10mm everyday on samples collected from conveyor belts, stockpiles and loaded trucks.
The following equipment is required and is available at all our plants,
All our sales officers are also trained to carry out these tests at customer locations.
The Vertical Shaft Impactor applies a similar principle of rock-on-rock collusion for crushing.
The sand is classified into four zones as per IS 383 norms.
Zone I is coarser and becomes finer towards Zone IV.